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Deer Products












Deer products are considered delicacy from ancient time. New Zealand deer are free from antibiotics and hormones. The primary agriculture department is strict on the processing of the deer products to provide consumers with safe and high standard products.



Gourmet enterprise highly recommends the following products:

Deer velvet: Use drying-as-a-whole technique, the deer velvet is cut to different standards, including wax slice, A level pink slice, B and C levels blood slices, and D level broken slices. Deer velvet is long known to improve kidney function, bone strength, and is highly nutritious.



Deer sinew: Packed with glucosamine, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, the deer sinew is good for joint and cartilage health and provides nutrients to improve osteoporosis.


Deer’s tail:Deer’s tail contains a variety of amino acids, collagen, calcium, phosphorous and zinc. It can improve adrenal function and strengthen bones, improve energy level. It is suitable to treat rheumatism and bone pain, and is traditionally used for women after giving birth.



All above information comes from New Zealand bureau of deer industry. If you would like to know more about New Zealand deer products, detailed information can be found at the official website:

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