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Fish Fin 鱼翅











Fish fin from GOURMET ENTERPRISE is authentic with reasonable price and high hygiene standard, thus is great as a souvenir or a decent dish in formal occasions.


Fish fin from elephant fish is thin and long, is suitable for cooking as a whole. The rehydrated fin is high quality with good appearance, and is the best material for cooking traditional fish fin dishes. Fish fin from school shark, on the other hand, is more suitable for fragmentary cooking, that the fin is naturally separated as vermicelli, with beautiful golden color.


As one of the “BA ZHEN” products, fish fin is very popular in China, and contains 80% of protein. It also contains other nutrients including trace fat, polysaccharides and essential minerals.



In traditional Chinese medicine, fish fin is believed to have medical function, as it benefits Qi, and improves digestive functions, as well as balances Yin-Yang in the body. According to famous Chinese medical literature [Catalogues of herbal medicine], fish fin provides essential nutrients, which benefit internal organs, and is good for diabetic patients.



Modern medicine indicates that fish fin is useful in lowering high blood pressure and has anti-coagulation property. Taking 1.5-3 grams of fish fin powder is beneficial to heart conditions.

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